Training and Support
A local Digital Den, with its dedicated training rooms are used to train tenants with little or no experience of being online, to introduce them to the virtues of the internet and explore online banking, shopping, direct.gov and even explore their own hobbies and interests. Our Digital Den product is a joint venture between us and you , the local Social Housing Provider. Through these Digital Dens we will deliver Internet access and courses to train and inspire local residents as part of a sustainable enterprise that will provide training to those intimidated by technology and help them overcome their fears, explore their hobbies and interests online and train them to access services on the Internet such as online banking, Direct.gov, social media and online shopping. We recruit from your tenant base, turning unemployed residents facing barriers to finding employment into qualified Digital Champions that are part of our team helping nurture the digital appetite in their community. We are use our experience and supply chain to set up these projects in partnership with social housing providers across the country.

The Digital Unite Trust was established in autumn 2011. Its remit is: “To advance the education of the public in the use of digital technology to enable individuals to have greater access to education, employment opportunities, training and information.“ It has a particular interest in supporting older people and other digitally disenfranchised groups to use technology. 42 per cent of the 7.82 million people who have never been online are aged 75 and over (ONS, August 2012). Given the right opportunities to learn and ongoing access to support and encouragement, older people can become enthusiastic advocates for the social, economic and educational advantages of using the internet.